Seksi Stalker :)

Thursday, June 27

New Story line

its been a while since i last opened this blog. and yes. i deleted all the post just for my critical literacy assignment. people may think, wow, she deleted for her works. *clap hands* but definitely there are some other reasons despite of that. bak kata pepatah melayu, sambil menyelam minum air. cewahhhh. post post lama pun time zaman zaman kanak kanak yg patut di klasifikasi sebagai era baru nak up. so, lets start a new story line. and yes. i had changed. quite a lot. alhamdulilah. *innocent face* who knew, anis sofia can be as strong and competitive like now. i didnt deleted the post for the assignment as the reminder of the hard work i had been through for the subject. and yes. thank you madam. i got an A for critical literacy. do you believe that? *fainted. 

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